Monday, July 27, 2009

Sow be it

Mikael Kirkman and our little chicken.

Earlier this year our friend Mike Kirkman decided to take-over his neighbor’s backyard
in Albany, California. Matt and I decided to help him. The yard belongs to an older man with a long grey ponytail and a matching beard. He prefers to stay inside.

His yard was an overgrown mess of blackberry bushes, old soup cans, and lots of opossum skulls. It took about a month of drunken bon-fires and covert trips to local dumpsters before we could even see dirt.

It’s good dirt. Decades of neglect and mulching have resulted in fertile soil. Every vegetable we’ve planted, except for red peppers, has grown. Here’s a list:

Walla Walla Onions
Green Onions
Swiss Chard
Broccoli Raab

The backyard is also home to Mike’s honeybees, Zack’s chicken from Compton, and our coffee roaster.

In the garden we roast coffee, eat food, drink beer, and play backgammon. It’s my refuge from the madness of the city. The city is full of zombies and scarecrows. And they’re always telling me about their run-ins with the CIA, asking me if I want to buy used batteries, and getting mad when I don’t let them use the bathroom.

Eventually, I will leave the city, live in a secluded cottage near a river, and create a family with a beautiful woman. Until then, I have Mike’s neighbor’s backyard.

Here’s some photos (Mike took-em):

Haunted shack in a haunted yard

Haulin stuff

Sowin seeds

Cousin Brad doin the watering

The wooden box in the middle is full of honeybees


Unknown said...

Chicken at the bottom.

MOM said...

Wow! What a transformation. Lush, green, beautiful, edible and inviting, the garden that is. You put a smile on my face and make my heart happy!

JOSIE NG said...

Walla Walla onions!

Joan said...

Hi there. I'm a potter from Seattle who knows Mikael Kirkman. Looking to see if he was on facebook I saw your blog with his photos.I would like him to view my facebook site cause he would like that I am finally building mt studio. If you can get this messege to him that would be happiness. Joan Johnson